Sunday, August 28, 2011

something to read...

Low self-esteem (source: wikipedia)

A person with low self-esteem may show some of the following symptoms:[19]
  • Heavy self-criticism, tending to create a habitual state of dissatisfaction with oneself.[9]
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism, which makes oneself feel easily attacked and experience obstinate resentment against critics.[9]
  • Chronic indecision, not so much because of lack of information, but from an exaggerated fear of making a mistake.[9]
  • Excessive will to please: being unwilling to say "no", out of fear of displeasing the petitioner.[9]
  • Perfectionism, or self-demand to do everything attempted "perfectly" without a single mistake, which can lead to frustration when perfection is not achieved.[9]
  • Neurotic guilt: one is condemned for behaviors which not always are objectively bad, exaggerates the magnitude of mistakes or offenses and complains about them indefinitely, never reaching full forgiveness.[9]
  • Floating hostility, irritability out in the open, always on the verge of exploding even for unimportant things; an attitude characteristic of somebody who feels bad about everything, who is disappointed or unsatisfied with everything.[9]
  • Defensive tendencies, a general negative (one is pessimistic about everything: life, future, and, above all, oneself) and a general lack of will to enjoy life.[9]

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