Showing posts with label FOOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOOD. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Seafood Spread at Ombak Kitchen Shah Alam


Memandangkan sedang mengandung anak ketiga, maka banyaklah makanan teringin nak makan. Setakat ni semua boleh telan kecuali nasi arab. Hari tu duk tengok seafood kat Ombak Kitchen ni,. lama-lama jadi teringin la kan.. so masa cuti Deepavali tu, pujuk jugala husband pegi.
Hihi....sedap memangla sedap tapi susah nak fokus makan bila si double Aisyah tu buat hal.. haha. Dengan nasi berterabur, dengan nyanyi2.. nasib tak ramai sgt orang masa tu.. segan mama papa tau.
Ok, Ombak Kitchen ni best sangat tau sebab very cosy, bersih dan yang penting servis bagus.
Sebenarnya, niat utama nak pergi sebab nak survey restoran ni, In shaa Allah nanti nak bawa satu family makan kat sini. SEDAP KE? Mestilah!!
Jom tengok menu.

Kenyang tau! Hihi..mana taknya sebab kena habiskan nasi anak-anak sekali..diorang kalau dah dapat aiskrim..memang lupa makanan lain.. lagi pulak si kakak tu tak makan seafood.
Maka, marilah kita tubuhkan satu tabung utk repeat makan kat sini lagi. Hehe.

Korang try la pulak

5.G.01, D'Vida Business Centre, Jalan Bazar U8/101, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

Till then,
love love!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Makan pasta sihat bersama Eatalian Express


Kenalkan.. my new addiction. Pasta by Eatalian Express. Mula-mula jumpa brand ni kat Instagram. Pegi tengok kat Facebook, ada buka untuk jadi dropshipper. Terus la join (sebab memang sedang mencari new business). Mula-mula tu beli untuk makan sendiri dulu, barulah yakin nak menjual kan..
Sedap rupanya!
Ada 10 jenis sayur dalam 1 pek. Memang sangat best.
Korang kalau ada anak yang susah nak makan sayur memang kena cuba. Psikologi budak-budak kan.. suka benda warna-warni. Memang diorang takkan perasan pun yang diorang dah makan sayur sebenarnya.
Bulan 10 baru ni dah upgrade jadi agent. Berkotak-kotak ada kat rumah. Hehe. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki anak-anak. 
Selain pasta, Eatalian Express ada juga meatballs, chicken balls dan pasta sauce. 
Nanti kita buat entry khas.
Ni sebagai permulaan dulu.
Nak order?

Follow my IG : @ezlindalysaelly 

Nanti kita cerita satu-satu pasal pasta ni ye.

Till then,
love love

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A one-night stay at Impiana Hotel, Ipoh


It has been a LONG time since my last post here..
I really need a FRESH START...

So.. let me tell you now that I have two daughters (already?? YES. Alhamdulillah. ).
Anyone who knew me back then know that I started this blog way before I have kids. Me and my husband waited for 3 and a half years to conceived and now ALHAMDULILLAH we are blessed with two beautiful daughters. Aisyah Raniya ( 3 years old) and Aisyah Khadijah (6 months).
Few years back  I'd blog about my 1st pregnancy. Ok. I will find some time to blog about my second pregnancy journey. In shaa Allah.

Ok. Today I would like to share with you about our short getaway at Ipoh. We hardly had time for a holiday and this is actually our first family trip together. Yes.. the four of us. 

On 1st December, we went back to our hometown at Bagan Serai.. by ETS. It was an incredible ride. Hehe. Why? Because Aisyah Khadijah didn't like cars. She will cry and struggle in car (pity me). So, a journey with ETS was a smooth journey for me because her father carried her in a carrier. So I got time to relax. Haha.. 

So, the next day we went to Ipoh. We chose Impian Hotel Ipoh. I always love Impiana because I know the rooms will be nice and the breakfast will be superb. Guess what? I am right!
I booked our room from Traveloka apps.

This is our room. 1 night stay.

The bathroom was clean.

The view from our room.

The pool. Guess who is the most happiest person. Took over the pool all by herself.

Suddenly, it was raining. So she asked for a cake. Luckily it was only RM9. Haha.. But the cake was delicious.

The next morning, we had a marvelous breakfast. Variety of foods. Yummy!

 So, that's all. My plan is to stay at Impiana KL after this. Hehe. Wish me luck to 'pujuk' my hubby.

Till then,

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Raniya suka BeBJ (Babyeatsbyjustlixa)


Kekangan masa menyebabkan saya tak sempat nak masak yang sedap-sedap untuk Raniya (boleh masak special masa hujung minggu je).Alhamdulillah ada insan yang buat bisnes 'baby frozen food' yang sangat 'awesome' ni (thank you, Mama Lix).. saya mula beli BeBJ sejak Raniya 8 bulan.. menu BeBJ ni sangat best dan alhamdulillah Raniya suka sangat..

Antara menu yang saya selalu beli:
Set B (8 Months): RM70 utk 12 bekas
Sweetcorn Delights
Baby's Shepard Pie
Sweet Chicken
Butternut Chicken
Sweet Potato Spinach
Chicken n Veggie Casserole

Bila Raniya dah setahun lebih ni..saya try yang ni pula..
Set C (10 Months): RM67 utk 6 bekas
3 Cheese Pasta
Creamy Spinach Pasta
Mac n Cheese
Bolognese Pasta

Boleh lawat IG Mama Lix di 'babyeatsbyjustlixa' kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut..

Terima kasih, Mama Lix sebab memudahkan mommy yang sibuk ni.. hehe..

till then,
love love..

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Makan di Nando's AEON Mall, Rawang


Hujung minggu lepas, sempat curi masa pergi makan di Nando's. Lama dah tak makan sejak si kecil molek tu lahir.. hehe..
Kami suka makan kat Nando's ni sebab sos-sosnya yang sedap.. walaupun kami tak makan pedas tapi perapan lemon herb tu memang kami suka. hehe..
Dan lagi satu, Nando's ni ada apps yang membolehkan kita kumpul 'cili'.. macam kumpul point tu.. kalau dapat cukupkan cili-cili yang dikehendaki..dapatlah redeem ayam.. hehe..
Boleh cari kat Play Store ye..

till then,
love love

Makan di Me'nate Steak Hub Wangsa Maju


Haa... nak belanja gambar-gambar sempena makan malam kami di Me'nate Steak Hub Wangsa Maju..
Wajib repeat ni!!
Kami makan mushroom soup, mashed potato, bolognese dan lamb..

till then,
love love!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I won!! Pastry Crown Pizza by Pizza Hut


Alhamdulillah.. I won this voucher by participating in a twitter contest by Pizza Hut. Thank you, Pizza Hut! The pizza tasted so great!

till then,
love love