Monday, March 28, 2011

tak sabar!

Assalamualaikum... Apa khabar semua? Hee... semangat pulak rasa minggu ni sebab Jumaat i come! hehe.. dalam banyak-banyak negeri kat Malaysia ni..Sabah je yang belum dijejaki oleh kakiku ini.. Thanx papa sebab support flight and hotel.. :-)

Minggu ni juga nak siapkan sebahagian thesis..alhamdulillah, datang semula semangat yang hilang entah ke mana minggu lepas..

So, oklah.. nanti akan update lagi..


Friday, March 25, 2011

'If couple'

Lagu merapu untuk mengubat hiba di hati..


Minggu ni rasanya macam sangat tidak produktif..letih, lesu semuanya ada.. hmm, perlu lebih bersemangat lagi terutamanya untuk menyiapkan masters thesis..
Seperti mendungnya cuaca di luar, seperti itulah perasaan ini.. Ya Allah, berilah aku kekuatan agar dapat kutempuh semua dugaan dan cabaran dunia yang fana ini..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

KaraK (Official Trailer)

A new movie by KRU soon to be released... macam best, tapi takutlah nak tengok movie seram ni... kepada peminat cerita seram..nantikan di pawagam ye.. hehe..

mode: takut.. huhu..

just stress

I feel lost right now.. I need more motivation.. I'm feeling sad, hopeless and emotionally disturb.. I can't do what I'm supposed to mind goes blank for awhile, then suddenly I cried.. I feel like I want to go far away from here..far away from this stressful atmosphere..
Sometimes i wish i could be in a room surrounded by a million of books..reading each one of them and being carried away by the stories and imagination so that I could forget all my sadness.....

sedih lagi...

Hmm..pagi ni sedih lagi..emo pulak tu..entahlah....rasa nak nangis je..tertekan sangat.. no more.. :-(

Monday, March 21, 2011


Rasa marah, geram dan sedih bila baca berita hari ni.. US dan sekutunya dengan rasa bongkak menyerang Libya..apa hak mereka untuk mencampuri urusan negara lain walaupun negara itu sedang bergolak dengan krisisnya sendiri..hmm.. tapi US wonder la.. memang suka menceroboh..nak tunjuk senjata diorang yang kononnya boleh musnahkan dunia..

Semoga Allah s.w.t membalas kekejaman yang mereka lakukan terhadap orang yang tidak berdosa..

Friday, March 18, 2011

'Selamat Tinggal' by Dina and Zizan


Do enjoy this video clip by Dina and Zizan..a nice song!

hikayat kami berdua....

Apa khabar semua??? hehe... Me and my husband just had our dinner..late dinner actually coz when i want to start cooking, we ran out of, we have to wait for the delivery..almost 30 minutes... So, i just cook a simple nasi goreng..a bit spicy coz i put 2 cili padi...hahaha...(well, we actually want to go out for dinner before that but then i decided to cook..oh, i had my mint ice cream at UiTM which i had been craving for since last week..hee..)
So yesterday, we went to e@curve to watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa! What a great movie! Good job, KRU.. hehehe... Ada kekurangan sikit-sikit tu takpela..mana ada benda yang perfect,kan? I really appreciate their efforts.. and i do feel that this movie is better than other Hollywood movies such as 10000 BC or 300.. hahaha.. nevertheless, this movie has brought up our history to the eyes of the world..(even some of Malaysians did not know about Merong Mahawangsa..pity.. huhu).. here are a couple of pictures for you..
mr salleh in front of the poster
While waiting for Mr Salleh (he went to the toilet..hehe), i took a picture of this cute ball of Rio.. take a look..
lets go Rio!
Then, we went to the theater..our show was scheduled at's almost full house..and I really enjoyed it! Next movie will be............

 oh, it's nearly 1am now..and i'm watching Top Chef 5.. (i started drafting this entry since 9.30pm..thanx to the slow,annoying broadband...haha).. Sekian!

p/s: sorry for some grammatical errors, if any... hehe..

Monday, March 14, 2011

last week updates

makan di restoran mohd chan
my fav- nasi ayam cendawan

from right: ayam halia, sayur campur bersos tiram, telur dadar by me!
from right: daging hitam, sayur campur, telur dadar by me!


Wah, rasa lain macam pula bila lambat update blog....hehe...ingat nak update jumaat lepas tapi internet tak berapa ok..maybe due to tsunami... Nak upload gambar pun susah...
Baru je habis baca buku tulisan Tom Plate, Conversations with Dr M. Sangat best bila baca tulisan wartawan asing tentang ex-PM kesayangan Malaysia ni.... (akan update lagi psl ni nanti..) Dan tadi baru je beli Memoir Tun M... hehe..thanx Mr Salleh sebab bagi loan..  nanti sayang bayar balik ye... hihihi.... Lepas baca buku pasal Tun M, rasa bersemangat pula nak teruskan karangan thesis yang banyak kali terbantut sebab ketandusan idea.. Kadang-kadang blank terus... Tak tahu nak taip apa.. Walau apa pun, kena kuatkan semangat juga.. Thanx, Tun M.. You are an Inspiration!
p/s: My sympathy for the Japanese, and I also hope that our country will remain peaceful. Amin..

by Tom Plate
by the man himself..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

from Cherating with Lots of Love!

Berjumpa lagi! I had a very great weekend! My first trip with my husband.. Thank you, Mr. Mohd Salleh..
Although it was just a very short vacation but it was FUN! Well, actually I've run out of words so.. here are pictures for you all.. pictures tell a thousand words, right? So, lets enjoy! OH, i do recommend this resort (IMPIANA RESORT CHERATING) for of my favourites! Have fun!
Jalan Cherating-Kemaman
View from the hotel lobby
Our room
view from our room
sukanya dia!
me n him
poolside view
poolside view
our dinner- ikan siakap masak stim
our dinner
happy morning!

Next trip will be............SABAH!! Yay!!!! 1 APRIL..OH CAN'T WAIT!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Tapi enggan kecewa
Tapi enggan terjatuh kerananya

Pengalaman mengajar
Jangan bermimpi setinggi gunung
Jangan terbang sejauh burung

Tapi hati kecil ini
Seolah merayu
Seolah meronta
Mengatakan apa salahnya
Usaha dan doa sebagai pembuka
Tenangkan jiwa
InsyaAllah rezeki ketentuan Yang Esa

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a bit messy...


Rasanya macam berserabut sikit minggu ni... macam-macam yang difikirkan... harap dapat melalui hari-hari berikutnya dengan tabah...